What services are offered by Ryan Career Consulting?
The four main areas are:
The 3 Rs: Resume, References and Reach
Career Coaching
Career Assessment
Company-Sponsored Outplacement
o Individual and group
More detail for each area can be found under the Services tab on the website.
What is the first step?
Please complete the Contact form and an initial meeting will be scheduled to
determine how best Ryan Career Consulting can be of assistance to you.
Are the interactions kept confidential?
The meetings, discussions and any assessments will be confidential between
the client and Ryan Career Consulting.
Are the services provided the same for each client?
While the logic used is similar, each client has different needs. Therefore,
services are modified to address those needs. For example, a client needs more
practice with interviewing skills than another client. Each person is unique
and that is taken into consideration.
Does Ryan Career Consulting guarantee a successful job search?
No. Each client is ultimately responsible for his/her career and the same is
true of their job search. Ryan Career Consulting will provide the tools
necessary for a client to conduct a successful search.